What Happened on April 23, 1897

Famous Birthdays

  • John Wengraf, Austrian actor (12 to the Moon, Pride & Passion), born in Vienna, Austria (d. 1974)

Lester B. Pearson (1897-1972)

Canadian diplomat (Nobel Peace Prize, 1957) and politician (Prime Minister, 1963-68), and WWI aviator commonly known as "Mike", born in Newtonbrook, Ontario

  • Lucius du Bignon Clay, American WWII general and military governor of West Germany, born in Marietta, Georgia (d. 1978)

Famous Deaths

  • Clement Harris, English composer, killed fighting in the Greco-Turkish war at 25
Died in 1897 1897 Highlights

About April 23, 1897

Day of the Week: Friday
How Long Ago? 127 years and 12 days
Leap Year: No

Generation: Lost Generation
Star Sign: Taurus