What Happened in September 1736

Famous Birthdays

  • Sep 8 Bernardo Ottani, Italian composer, born in Bologna, Papal States (now Italy) (d. 1827)
  • Sep 10 Carter Braxton, American farmer and signer (Declaration of Independence), born in King and Queen County, Virginia (d. 1797)
  • Sep 15 Jean-Sylvain Bailly, French astronomer noted for his computation of an orbit for Halley’s Comet (1759) and author of History of Ancient Astronomy from Its Origin to the Establishment of the School of Alexandria, born in Paris (d. 1793)
  • Sep 16 Johann Nikolaus Tetens, German-Danish philosopher and mathematician, born in Tetenbüll, Duchy of Schleswig, Denmark (d. 1807)

Famous Deaths

Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686-1736)

Sep 16 Dutch-German-Polish physicist, inventor and scientific instrument maker, who invented the thermometer and the Fahrenheit scale, dies at 50

  • Sep 19 Feofan Prokopovich, Russian Orthodox theologian and Archbishop of Novgorod, dies at 55